Monday, 24 January 2011

Prices reduced on dolls

As it's my birthday today (I'm not telling how old!)
I have reduced the prices on lots of my dolls, I will also give a discount
of £10 for today only when you buy two dolls or more.


  1. Happy Birthday Mary! May all your dream come true!:)

  2. Happy birthday! In The Netherlands we say: Hartelijk gefeliciteerd! As I get older I like to try and shock people by telling them how terribly old I,ve become on my birthday... but they never are! It`s me that is in shock..

  3. Thank you for the good wishes. Margot even my mother was shocked when she asked last night!!

  4. Hi Mary, Happy Birthday! *Jean

  5. cumple años feliz, cumple años feliz, te deseamos todos, cumpleaños feliz.
    Espero que pase un feliz día y que reciba muchos regalos
    un abrazo

    Happy birthday, happy birthday, wish you all happy birthday.
    I hope you spend a happy day and receive many gifts
    a hug

  6. Te felicito por los trabajos que realizas,ya tienes una seguidora más.Besos.
